Sunday, July 8, 2012

It's already July?!

Summer is FLYING by! It can't be July! School is going to start in less than two months, and I'm DEFINITELY not ready to go back.

Even though Summer is going by too fast, I've had such a fun time! Here are only some of my adventures:

I went and saw Avengers for the third time with Christy, Skyler and Amanda. Only Christy and I wanted to take pictures... ha ha.

Visited my Daddy for Father's Day :) I got my dad the hat he's wearing. It has the new Utah State logo and the new bull on it!

Had a play date with Anna! She did my glitter toes and she showed me this really good and super cheap Chinese place in Logan called Wok on Wheels! It's so yummy!

Hung out with Carlee several times :) she asked me to be her model for her photo-shoot she had to do for her photography class!

I went to Hyrum Dam with Nate and Aaron and we tried to look for the place that these crazies did this. We hiked around and we think we found it, but we weren't sure. We decided that when they shot this, the water was a lot higher than it was when we were there. After exploring for awhile, we just decided to swim and have a sand fight. It was a blast!

Sara Giron, soon to be Sara Wells, came up for a night and hung out with me! The night she came up here, Aaron, Nate, Whitni, and Sara and I hung out and were crazy. It was so much fun to bring a few different friend circles together that night! We had a blast! The next day, Sara cut my hair and then we went shopping and watched Brave! I was so happy I got to chill with her like old times before she gets hitched! ;)

Amanda went to New Hampshire for a week and I got to drive her to and from the airport, so while I was in Salt Lake I got to visit Aunt Dana and Grandma! That was so nice to see them. I hadn't seen them for awhile. It's fun to catch up and visit.

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures, but I had a lot of fun celebrating the Fourth of July! I learned this year that Logan does their fireworks on the third, so I got to watch half of those fireworks from Taylor's apartment with Taylor and Rachael. It lasted for quite awhile and, like I said, I only watched half of them! I was impressed.

On the fourth, I worked during the day and then Rachael, Taylor, Nate and I met a big group of people at the park to watch the Hyrum fireworks! It was so much fun! We went early to the park, so we played all kinds of games and visited before the fireworks and then while we were waiting for traffic to die down so we could leave, we played more games! After we finally got out of there, Nate, Taylor, and I went and got slurpees and then we called it a night. I felt like a little kid and was tuckered out by the time the night was done, but it was SOOO worth it! I had a blast!

I went to Sara's Bachelorette party! It was a blast! We had Sushi for dinner and then we went to see Spiderman at the drive-in theater! SO much fun! I LOVED Spiderman. I thought the originals were good, but the new one is SUPER good!

Like I said at the beginning of my post, those are only a few of the fun adventures I've had! This summer has been such a good balance of work and fun. I've LOVED it. I just don't really want it to end, but I'm going to soak up as much fun as I can while I still have time!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Summa Livin' :)

I haven't updated my blog in forever. My life has been super duper busy, but school is finally done and I have a four month break!!!!! Well, now it's three months, since we're already a month into it :) I've already kicked summer off in such a good way!

Starting clear back to finals week....

Thursday of finals week, Christy and I decided that because we had no food, we'd go out to eat at Noodles and Co. I LOVE that place and just found my favorite plate. It's delicious! After dinner, we walked around Best Buy and Home Depot and just talked. It was really fun!

After we went on our little adventure, I came home and finished cleaning the apartment for the cleaning inspection. When Lauren got home, we went to wait in line to see the midnight premiere of Avengers!! :D

Lauren, her good friend Kaitlyn, and I went to The Antics together about a month ago. They had a raffle and I won Avengers Premiere tickets, so Lauren and I got to go for free! We ended up sitting in the third row from the front, but it was still good! :) I loved it.

Friday of finals week I had my last final and finished moving all of my stuff out. I got lunch and hung out with Amanda for a few hours while she was packing. I got home and visited with the fam for awhile and then decided to go visit James Marriott! I haven't seen that man in forever. His mission call came and he is going to Guatemala at the end of August! I'm so excited for him! James, Mike Cevering, and I had a wonderful time that night. We watched some really interesting tv and talked about college and missions. It was good for me. :) I miss spending time with the Marriott family.

I had fun with the family the weekend after finals when I didn't have a home in Logan. :) Amanda stayed with us for most of the weekend as well. We had a blast!

I moved into my new place on Tuesday, May 8. I was exhausted by the time we got everything into the apartment and a lot of it situated. I was ready to crash.

Since I've moved in, I've had all kinds of adventures! I work a lot, but I find time to do some fun things! Here's a picture "slideshow" I guess you could call it, of only some of my adventures:

Brenna and I at our first Home Evening at our new ward :)

Manda, Brenna and me having a girls night doing facials 

Going to lunch with Sara while she was in town for the day

Coolest standee I've ever seen. The seat is so comfy! I love my job. :)

Visiting and watching Tangled :)

Trying on hats at Walmart- Brenna's hat and my hat were fuzzy!

Taylor, Nate and I being dorks at 2nd Dam

That's only a fraction of the adventures I've had :) I've met a lot of new people, spent time with other friends and family, and have had time to just forget about school for awhile! I feel so lucky and so blessed! Life is great right now and I'm trying to enjoy it as much as possible! Summer choir starts this Thursday, and I can't wait to start singing again!

I also want to bear my testimony. I know that my Redeemer lives. What comfort this sweet sentence gives! He lives, He lives who once was dead! He lives, my ever living Head. He lives, to bless me with His love. He lives to plead for me above. He lives to calm my troubled heart. I know that Joseph Smith was the prophet of the Restoration. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the living prophet today. I know that the love God has for us is immeasurable and His atonement is infinite. I know that if you put your faith in Him, you will always be better off. I know that nurturing your testimony is so important, no matter if you're in a large trial or out of one. I know that the commandments are there to protect us and not to limit us. I know that temples are so important and the ordinances that are performed within are sacred, holy, and intimate. I know this church is true with all of my heart and I say these things in the name of my Brother, my Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

An Update on Life... and the Fireside Elder Holland Spoke At! :)

Holy cow! I realized I haven't written on my blog forever! Life just gets so busy!

Christmas break was even more amazing than I could imagine. I worked, watched three seasons of Castle, some Vampire Diaries, all kinds of movies, and spent all kinds of time with family and friends :) It was the break I needed from such a tiring semester. I've learned that the words of Kelly Clarkson are true. "What doesn't kill you makes you STRONGER. Stand a little taller. Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone. What doesn't kill you makes a fighter. Footsteps even lighter." :)

Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger"

I'm back in school now! It's been almost a month since it started! CRAZY. I'm taking MGT 3110, MIS 3330, ECON 3400, ACCT 2010, Gymnastics, and Weight Training! It's been a pretty fun semester so far! MIS 3330 is a Database class for my major and I absolutely LOVE it. It's so much fun! I've been able to catch on pretty fast and it's been such a blessing for me to know that I'm in the right major for ME! :) I've enjoyed taking Gymnastics and Weight Training, because it has boosted my self-confidence and has strengthened me more than just physically. This semester has been a blessing!

LDV has been wonderful! :) I don't know what I'd do without it in my life right now! I got to perform in a fireside for Elder Holland! I can't tell you how AMAZING that was, to prepare the people to hear a prophet's voice and to be an addition to his testimony that night. I was so filled with the Spirit. It was the annual Joseph Smith Memorial Fireside that he spoke for. His goal that night was to educate us more about the wonderful person Joseph Smith was. I can't express how amazing the experience was to have an Apostle that close. The whole feeling of the room changed as he walked into the Spectrum. It was remarkable. Some of the stories he told of Joseph Smith's life were new to me. It was amazing to see how I can apply Joseph's example in my life today. I know just from that talk that Heavenly Father looks out for me. From the choir seats, I could see the laptop that communicated with the teleprompter on the stand. It was amazing to see the teleprompter stop and to hear Elder Holland speak with the Holy Ghost and "stray" from his original talk for a moment. Elder Holland set the closing song up so well. The Spirit was SO STRONG. I was bawling by the time "Praise To The Man" ended and couldn't stop until a few minutes after the closing prayer had ended. I will never forget that day.

Maggie, Amanda, Sara, and me at the Elder Holland Fireside :)

I can testify to you that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the one and only true church on this earth. I know that Joseph Smith was the prophet of the Restoration. I know he saw and communed with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that the prophecy will be fulfilled that "millions shall know Brother Joseph again." I know that Thomas S. Monson is our prophet today and speaks with authority and truth. I know that Jesus Christ bled and died for us so that we might live with Him again. I know that the power of the priesthood is real. I know that trials are a blessing, although they may just seem a pain in the moment. I know that we have angels helping us all the time. I say these things humbly, in the name of my beloved brother and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.